Two years?!

Because of finals I wasn’t able to properly celebrate but December 2nd marked Sandie Narvaez Photography’s 2 year anniversary!


It feels like forever but at the same time my journey has only just begun! For two years I’ve had the amazing opportunity to meet and capture so many beautiful souls. So many amazing people! I have made mistakes along the way (who doesn’t mess up every now and again?) but every time I’ve learned from those mistakes. I’ve laughed, cried, and in some cases wanted to give up. But I remembered all of these people hired me for a reason.

I’ve made some incredible friends because of photography, I’ve become more confident because of it. If you would have told me I would be able to direct people and speak in front of people no problem two years ago I’d call you a liar. Im comfortable talking to strangers, directing clients, and speaking in front of groups. It’s all because of this journey I decided to take.

I remember creating the page, terrified to hit the publish button. I had to have my husband help me push the button while I had my eyes closed wincing in fear. I’m not kidding.

This year I shot 11 weddings and countless sessions and in those weddings and sessions, I met some beautiful people and heard some amazing stories. I tell you guys all the time how thankful I am and it probably annoys the heck out of you guys but, thank you. From the bottom of my heart.

You guys will never know how much impact you have all had on me. My life. I love you guys to the moon and back. ❤

Thank you for everything. Here's to year three!

Stay Inspired & Keep On Dreaming.

S. ❤